Our purpose

Our purpose •

We're here to help

We're here to help •

Is there more to this life?

What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God?

Deep down most of us long to know if there is more to this life. We believe that "more" is a need to know God.

Freedom from what?

How do I find freedom?

Many of us know God, but continue to walk in a slavery mindset from areas of hurt, hang ups, or bad habits. We believe walking in freedom is a journey, and we want to come alongside you in your personal journey.

Does everyone have a purpose?

How do I find my purpose?

Living out your purpose is very fulfilling! We believe you were created for a purpose and we are committed to help you find your purpose.

Can I make a difference?

How do I make a difference?

Everyone has something to contribute. We believe everyone can make a difference and we are committed to helping you do just that!